Most of Enterprise Companies have been moving their application to Cloud for various benefits and cut down running cost etc. With this said, Data Migration aspects bring lot more attention as it is very key aspect of application migration.
Here to discuss some key aspects to consider on data migration projects.
1) Analyze the Source as DB:
What is the source DB, and it’s Age and Size?
How it is normalized?
Understand the Data Model and Keep the ERD handy
2) Analyze Source as Data
Identify Master and Transactional data
Identify various sources of Master data
Select Master of master data source
Decide whether or not to have integration between all master data source
Decide to whether or not to have references across master data sources
3) Prepare Destination Platform and Application
Generally application migration from on premise to cloud may not be decided over the night, Over the period of time from Vision, Decision and when it finally become a project – all enhancements in source system might have stopped, along with the migration so many new functionalities and projects get added to the migration project or to the roadmap.
Choose wisely your destination platform (
4) Prepare Destination DB
Architect the Data Model very carefully to fit your Source data and functionality, New Enhancements / Projects and mainly to your business need.
5) Prepare Destination Data
Identify / Implement Custom Unique Keys for all Entity.
Make some Setup to prevent Dupes
Establish process, decide any intermediate DB to process data if needed.
Identify Default ownership for the record if decided owner is not anymore in new platform
Streamline the data for new platform data types.
Start migrate with Master data
More Importantly keep a log, timeline and check point !!