September 12, 2007


I just walk down with one of my friend a couple of weeks before whom strongly seeking leadership quality in his role. Then we walk over land mark in Spencer. We got introduction of Robin sharma, a leader always with top CEO’s or leader of the world in terms of training and communication.

I just brought a book of greatness guide; I am not here to review the book. But it spokes lot about leadership for people in any role.

While the time only I got to know leadership is not only for leaders / CEO’s. It is skill to be a leader for anybody in their role.

What I feel saying “No” for something is more important rather being accept all things come across us. I feel this is more important point of Robin. We can’t be all things to all people.
They best among us get that what our priorities/goals. Know what needs to get done over the coming weeks, months and years. Then say no to all other things. This is very strong recommendation of Robin.

I feel to saying no to friend who wants to meet over cup of coffee to gossip. Saying no to relatives who laugh at our dreams and making doubt our self.

I feel there is huge value in getting good at saying no. just think about do you need others approval to play your life as you planed either personal or professional life.